Host no thrills

-9°C is cold. For England. As the snow turned to ice, Verdel swooped down in all its downy glory and saved my ears and digits from falling off. Cue hood and arm warmers. Made from the softest, warmest cashmere wool it was all I could do to stop stroking my hooded head (it’s not just a blogger pose thing, I swear!). The structure of the hood is the kind that stands up by itself – a necessity for us oddly shaped headed folk. Furthermore, I’m convinced that the fingerless gloves that go right up to my armpit are fashion’s way of finally permitting me to wear the short sleeved coats I’ve been buying and not wearing for fear of losing my arms to frostbite. Win.
Verdel make turbans, aviator style hats in the same luxurious cashmere and if you live in colder climates or you’re a wimp in the cold, like me, I promise the arm warmers will improve your outdoor life elevenfold. Head on over.
Trousers: vintage
Boots: ebay
Hood: Verdel
Gloves: Verdel
Coat: ebay
– Nadia